How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Tummy Tuck?

How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Tummy Tuck?

How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Tummy Tuck?

How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical technique that helps remove extra skin and fat in the abdomen. The surgery is not a weight-loss technique, but it can help reduce weight. Many experience weight loss after the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty due to increased satiety or feelings of fullness after eating.

Researchers have reported weight loss after the surgery, with most women losing about five pounds.

Getting a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that eliminates extra skin and fat, creating a flatter and smoother contour. During the surgery, surgeons cut an opening in the lower abdominal area and then use liposuction to remove fatty deposits. They will do this before removing the loose skin.

The underlying muscles get tight, and the patient ends up with a better-looking and toned appearance. Depending on the method used, the doctor will reposition the belly button to help create more natural-looking results.

Sustained Weight Loss

Research has shown that apart from the initial weight loss from the tissue removed, there is long-term weight loss. The sustained weight loss is usually more than the initial loss. Most women maintain the loss after the surgery, but others regain some of the weight.

Long-term weight loss happens more often among those who were overweight before the procedure. Sustained weight loss is also more evident in women with excess tissue removed.

Increased Feeling of Satiety

A tummy tuck procedure helps improve the overall appearance of the body. It helps reduce the patient's size while also enhancing the abdomen. The procedure can help increase satiety or the feeling of being full after eating.

Satiety is a weight-loss factor alongside the removal of excess fat. Some experts believe that the removal of abdominal fat cells can lead to a reduction of the hormones that affect appetite. However, it is a cosmetic procedure, not a weight-loss treatment.

How Much Weight You Can Lose

The weight loss after this procedure will differ depending on the individual. Most patients love the surgery results so much that they work out, eat healthily, and make healthier life choices.

It is easier to exercise when there is less fat in the midsection, leading to sustained weight loss. Most patients lose about five pounds after the procedure, while others lose between five and 10 pounds. This will depend on the amount of fat and skin removed.

Permanent Weight Loss

Patients who require permanent weight loss should consider getting bariatric surgery. The procedure, also known as gastric bypass, is an effective weight-loss option for obese or extremely overweight patients. A tummy tuck is ideal for patients who want to enhance their midsection.

When considering whether to get a tummy tuck, many people enquire about the chances of losing weight. Weight loss after the procedure is minimal, but the stomach area looks much better thereafter.

A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss technique but a body contouring procedure. However, losing weight can be a by-product of the surgery.

For more on the weight you can lose with a tummy tuck, visit Rich & Humenansky Plastic Surgery of the Face & Body at our office in Columbia, South Carolina. You can call (803) 799-3223 to book an appointment today.

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